Hi there, dear friends :D
A few months ago , I wrote about Diatomaceous Earth HERE and how wonderful its health benefits were for humans.
Although there were hardly any scientific studies done on the effects of DE on people, DE has long been in use to promote healthy livestock, animals and pets in farms and homes.
After a week of ingesting DE for my family, I also started feeding some DE to my cat, Baby, and my beagle, Benji. Now, if only animals could talk, Baby and Benji would be able to tell me how DE affected them…but since they can’t, LOL, I will write about my observations on them since I put them on DE for the past 2 1/2 months .
DE Dosage
Although there are some reference guides on how much DE to give to animals, I just gave a teaspoon of DE mixed into Benji’s (beagle) water….and a 1/4 teaspoon of DE mixed into Baby’s (cat) wet food. I also didn’t give DE to them daily…only once every few days. As of today, they have been on DE for 2 1/2 months.
For Baby, there is not much to report, except that her fur has become very soft and smooth. She does her “business” (pee and poop) out of the house and so, I couldn’t comment on that area.
For Benji….ah, …. I am going to have to list the results :-
1) that hyperactive beagle of mine has become more mellow…calmer…and peaceful after taking DE. Definitely, DE has affected his mood, too!
2) he has no more doggy breath!! His breath is as fresh as the air after the rain! LOL! Before DE, whenever we had guests come over, Benji was kept away from them, in case they complain about his breath. Nowadays, Benji mingles freely with our guests who find Benji cute and want to play with him or rub him adoringly!
3) I dusted DE on both Baby and Benji, and therefore, their fur has no odour, too!
4) dusting DE on their fur helps to remove or kill fleas and ticks … however, be sure to wear plastic gloves and a mask for safety purposes when you dust your pets – the powder is very drying on the skin and we must not inhale the fine powder….also, make sure that your pets do not inhale the powder, too! I noticed Benji has stopped scratching a lot.
Benji’s groomer had often complained that Benji has a lot of ticks and fleas, and that was despite applying Frontline on Benji. I hated using Frontline because it always made my skin itch. So, I was glad to be able to use the Food Grade DE instead of some harsh chemical like Frontline to keep Benji free from ticks and fleas.
5) as a result of ingesting DE and having DE dusted, Benji’s fur has such a healthy and gleaming shine to it! Many times, when we walked him at the park, many people had stopped by and asked us what food we fed Benji, because his fur was so wonderful and shiny!
6) his poop barely smells nowadays, making it much easier for us to pick up his poop when we walk him in the park. Once in a blue moon, due to too much fibre being fed to him (he loves raw carrots, bananas and celery), he poops an extra time in the living room at night when we are all asleep…but because his poop hardly smells, it doesn’t stink up the house anymore when I come down in the morning. Phew!
7) Benji is shedding lesser fur nowadays, since he has been on DE = less mess for me to vacuum up daily! LOL!
DE as a natural, organic dewormer
Because DE is organic and classified as “food grade,” it is one of the best and safest natural stuff we can give to our beloved dogs, cats and pets for deworming purposes. It is better to use DE, than to use some strong chemical dewormers on our pets.
In summary, DE has worked wonders for my pets, as it has for me and my husband. So, if you love your pets, do get some natural, organic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth for them, too! Your pets will love you more for giving them DE!
In Malaysia and Singapore, you can buy DE at the link below (please note that I am not being paid nor sponsored by them to write this article, and this post is just my personal opinion only) ===>
Happy Holidays!
With best wishes,
choesf :D