(My bottle of Black Seed Oil ordered from iherb – use Coupon Code MLL655 to get US$10 off orders exceeding US$40. Click on the picture to read the REVIEWS at the bottom of that page)
Hi there, dear friends :D
I would like to give the credit of this post to my blog visitor, Sam, for introducing me to the amazing Black Seed Oil (refer to Comment # 17 in my article, “Our Blood Test Results After Taking Diatomaceous Earth For 2 Months) half a year ago.
As I was impressed by the way the oil is also known as “THE REMEDY THAT CURES EVERYTHING EXCEPT DEATH” and because I am always very eager to try out new natural remedies for health, I quickly ordered a bottle right away! LoL! Black seed oil is made from black cumin seeds, and is also known as Nigella Sativa, or Kalonji. This oil is considered a powerful herbal medicine that is high in antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory in nature, supports healthy body immune system, balances blood chemistry, and has anti-cancer properties.
Its use dates back to thousands of years. I read that even Queen Nefertiti from ancient Egypt even used black seed oil to bring lustre to her hair and nails. Cleopatra used it as a beauty treatment!
There is a lot of information in the Internet on black seed oil and there is an impressive, long list for its miraculous healing powers. There have even been hundreds of studies done (refer to THIS LINK) to the efficacy of using this oil for health purposes.
Some uses of Black Seed Oil (info from the Internet) :-
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Migraine
- Cancer
- Epilepsy
- Hair loss and premature greying
- Use topically for skin conditions, e.g. eczema, burns
Sources :-
Black Cumin Seeds Better Than Drugs? A Look At The Science
Black Seed Oil Cures Many Cancers According To Numerous Studies
Black seed oil for my family
This time, my husband was the main “guinea pig” for me to test this oil out. I found that it was extremely effective in healing him of either a chesty, phlegmy cough or a dry cough. As he has been smoking since he was a teenager, I am always on the lookout for him developing any form of coughing.
By just giving him a teaspoon of black seed oil in the morning, his cough would be gone by the third day or so. At most, he has taken the oil five days in a row only, because he hates the taste of it and he won’t take it if he does not have a cough! For me, I find its taste alright as it smells aromatic, like mild cumin powder.
So, nowadays, whenever I hear my husband start to cough, I would give him a teaspoon of black seed oil and he will be alright. Even his dry smoker’s cough is gone now.
A customer at iherb said, “Black cumin seed oil contains dithymoquinone, which protects from histamine-induced bronchial spasms (explaining its use to relieve the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, and coughing.)”
So, do some research yourself of the health wonders of Black Seed Oil, and if you know someone who has bronchitis or a bad cough, tell them about this oil “that cures everything except death!”
With best wishes for good health,
choesf :D