My Bian Stone
Hi there, dear friends :D
I stumbled upon Bian Stones when I wanted to find the technique to Gua Sha for hair loss, as the hair on top of my head has been thinning for the past few years.
I found a video that showed an 87-year old woman who had used Bian Stones Gua Sha to heal herself from her deteriorating vision, which doctors said they could not treat. Not only did she regain her eyesight, her thinning and sparse hair grew back – at a dark colour again! Wow!
It was not only the Gua Sha therapy that worked for her, but it was the use of Bian Stones, which have healing powers. The usual Gua Sha tools are made from buffalo horns and require the use of oil to lubricate the skin for scraping.
Have a look at her video below (it has English subtitles) and see for yourself her health transformation – you will be amazed like I was!
Right away then, I ordered a Bian Stone through my nephew in Singapore. He, too, bought a Bian Stone to try and he also experienced its curative powers! He used it to scrape (Gua Sha) his often achy neck and upper shoulders due to slouching over his computer daily at work.
So, what are Healing Bian Stones?
Healing Bian Stones are made out of rock that was generated by the impact of a meteorite on earth in China during the Cretaceous period.
Healing stone therapy is the most ancient form of medical treatment and health care in China, even pre-dating acupuncture. It has been used at Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) hospitals for many years.
Chemical analysis shows that there are more than thirty trace elements such as Sr, Ti, Cr, Mn, Zn, Ca, Fe, P, K, and Na in the stone in the stones – elements which are beneficial and necessary for human beings.
When rubbed against the body, the stone gives out ultrasonic impulses, with measurements that are far in excess of other materials that have been tested. The stone dredges the human body’s channels, improves the body’s microcirculation, eliminates heat and poisons in human body and removes unnecessary fats.
Test results show that a strong field of energy exists called infrared remote sensing in the healing stone – Bian stone.
Infrared thermal imaging tests show that once this stone is placed near to a person, they got their infrared thermal images are stabilized.
The pictures below show how Bian stone influences the human body.
Left picture above – before applying bracelets.
Right picture above – after wearing bracelets 10 minutes later
Left wrist: Jade bracelet. Right wrist: Bian stone bracelet.
(Source – GC Natural Health Therapies)
What I love about the Bian Stones is that I don’t need to use any oil at all to help the Gua Sha tool glide smoothly over my skin – I had always hated the oily feel to my skin after scraping. I can use the stone without any oil as it has a smooth, cool and polished surface.
I use the Bian Stone and Gua Sha :-
- on my head for growing more hair, and for improving sleep
- over my face for a facelift and to clear my sinus
- under my chin to reduce my saggy double chins! Lol!
- over my neck and shoulders to relieve the stress and tension
- over my arms and lower back whenever I have sprains or aches there
I also got a friend who went to Shanghai, China to buy for me a pair of Yin-Yang shaped Bian Stones. She told me that the elderly man that sold her the Bian Stones said he is the only one among his 7 siblings who still has black hair. His siblings’ hair has all turned white! All because he uses a Bian stone daily to Gua Sha his head! Wow!
My mid-aged friend has been a Type A diabetic for 43 years and recently, she has been diagnosed by her doctor as having retinopathy, a loss of vision due to her diabetes and for which, there is no cure.
She has been following the video above and using her Bian Stone to Gua Sha her neck, epecially her carotids, and she has found that her vision is improving slowly. She could read the subtitles on her TV. Before using the healing stone, she was seeing greyness and darkness in some fields of her eyesight.
Just 2 days ago, I sprained the side of my lower back while trying to mop a hard to reach area. The pain was gone the day after I Gua Sha that area with my Bian Stone.
I thought to share here with you the interesting healing qualities of the Bian Stone. If you can read Chinese (I can’t. Lol!), you will find more information online, seeing as how Bian Stone is an ancient Chinese healing therapy.
With best wishes for good health to you,
choesf :D