Hi there, dear friends :D
As in previous years, Master atan is again offering Christmas Trinity Prayers and anyone interested in having the prayers is welcome to submit names here for the FREE Prayers!
I have copied his message from Dhealing Forum here for your information ===>
Christmas Trinity Prayer for 2015
Dhealing is organizing a Christmas Trinity Prayer for Christmas 2015 .
The Blessings of this unique Trinity Prayer are very good for healing, love and relationship.
This is a Free Prayer – anyone can join.
Master atan
Master atan will be performing the Christmas Trinity Prayer on the 24th and 25th of December 2015. Master atan’s Prayers are very popular, for many had sought his help. In 2014, he had done more than 20,000 Prayer requests.
You can submit your names and names of your loved ones, relatives and friends here, or at Master’s Dhealing Forum.
Please use nicknames or initials to protect your privacy, if you are worried about revealing your real names as the name list is public.
Remember to state your country as well.
Example :- John – USA
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
With best wishes,
choesf :D