Hi there, dear friends
Wow, it has been ages since I last wrote an article here **blush** – hope you are all doing well and are healthy!
For the past few months, I have been trying out something entirely different in healing to achieve good health. I have been considering if I should write about it here to share with you – you need to have an open mind for it is something very new and surprising. But it is free and you don’t have to pay money to learn it. I got the remaining 20% of my thyroid lump gone in just 3 days of “practising” it.
But if you are interested, drop me a line in the comments below and I will gather all the information to post the article here.
Okay, back to my topic for today!
For many years, I have always had fleas and ticks problems with my dogs. Applying the toxic Frontline on them didn’t help at all – the chemical made me itch and if that happened to me, imagine how my dog would feel to have his skin in direct contact with the fleas and ticks poison.
At one time, I applied the natural Diatomaceous Earth on the fur of my dog, but it also caused me to have some sinus problems…and I didn’t like the dry feel on my hands whenever I am rubbing my dog’s fur.
A friend told me that if a dog has ticks and fleas, it meant that his immune system is weak and he could also have parasites in his guts. So, I decided to help my dog fight the fleas and ticks problem from inside out, i.e. I fortified his health and killed the parasites inside him with the following :-
- Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
- Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil
- Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
Starting six months ago, I added approximately a tablespoon of each of the above into my dog’s food, just once a day. If you can’t find Virgin Coconut Oil, you can use toasted coconut oil (from India) instead – that works just as well and I had started with toasted coconut oil. However, I think the Virgin Coconut Oil has more health benefits.
The coconut oil and DE help to kill the parasites in the digestive system, and all three of the natural ingredients above give various health benefits to my dog. You can do an Internet search about the health benefits of ACV and DE.
Gone are the times that my poor dog had fleas and ticks sucking his blood, causing him misery with their bites. Gone are the times that I had to vacuum and wash my sofa covers and curtains like crazy, due to the frequent fleas and ticks infestations.
It will take at least a month of putting your dog on the 3 ingredients above before you start to see a decline in the fleas and ticks hanging onto your dog, but after that, your dog will be free of those nasty parasites attacking his skin. The ACV somehow makes the blood repulsive to fleas and ticks, and with a healthy immune system and a clean gut, the dog is not attractive to those parasites anymore.
My dog’s fur is really thick and glossy now, and many people had commented that my dog looks so healthy. Even my vet said so when I brought my dog to see him for a sprained leg. Lol!
So, try this safe and natural remedy on your dog(s) to keep the parasites away and be very healthy!
With best wishes,