Hi there, dear friends
For as long as I can remember, I see repeated numbers occasionally, but I never thought they meant anything before.
But lately, the synchronicity in numbers are occurring more often and I begun to wonder if they are actually messages from the divine?
Some examples of the numbers I see often are like these (and I can see as many as 3 sets in a day. Lol! ) :-
- waking up in the middle of the night to see 3:33, 2:22 or 4:44 on my bedside clock
- 11:11 on the clock of my TV decoder when I passed by my living room
- finding the total price of RM 77:99 on the cash register when I was paying for something
- 888’s on car licence plates
- seeing numbers in my dreams…etc..
I was so glad when my eldest daughter introduced me to this wonderful website below, where I now go to get the meanings of the numbers that I chanced across :-
Repeated Angel Numbers
So, the next time you come across often with strange arrangements of numbers, you can find out what the Angel are trying to tell you! I have found the messages to be very inspiring for me.
Good Luck!
With best wishes,