Hi there, dear friends
I never intended to write about the Holy Basil plant – “Tulsi” as it is more commonly known among the Hindus and as “Tulasi” here in Malaysia. ….. I originally got a Tulasi plant back in 2003 more for cleansing and calming the energies in the compound/garden of my home.
I had learned from the Vasthu Sastera (Indian Feng Shui) traditions that the Tulsi can absorb negative energies from its surroundings, and from people of ill intents – the Tulsi leaves would turn brown and look as if the plant was dying if it was exposed to negative energies. However, the plant will regenerate back its energy/qi and grow lushly again.
This morning, my daughter told me that my Holy Basil plant was growing really too large and was too close to her car for her to open her passenger door properly. Throughout the years of having Holy Basil plants, this plant has somehow thrived the best and has grown the “bushiest” in its present spot of being next to my compound’s main gates, despite its home in a small, lesser than 1-foot high pot. Its location beside the gates there was as a “sentry” of my home.
Anyway, I had to trim the plant today but I felt it was a utter waste to just throw the cuttings away like that – the plant looks really healthy and I felt like it was “calling out” to me to turn it into a healing food instead!
My Indian neighbour, Aunty Kumar, had told me before that eating the Tulsi raw was good for treating stomach ailments, but I know there got to be more health benefits to it …
….well, the Tulsi didn’t let me down at all and I found a whole lot of Holy Basil information on health on the Internet. :idea:
In Dr.Singh’s Naturals website, the Tulsi or Holy Basil plant ===>
1) has abundant magnesium and therefore, is good for preventing heart diseases by ensuring our blood vessels work properly and keeping our veins clog free by having our red blood cells flow smoothly
2) can reduce glucose in Type 2 diabetics
3) is a good stress reliever and good adaptogen
4) is good for curing cough, colds, sore throats, headaches, stomach ailments
5) has a lot of anti-oxidants
6) has a nerve tonic that can even enhance our memory, prevent or cure Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
7) has anti-inflammatory properties that can hydrate our skin, making us look younger and glowing at the same time
Some websites said it can increase testosterone levels, reduce muscle sore after a strenuous workout (good for body builders), burn belly fat, etc…
In Aryurveda traditions, the Holy Basil can affect the body’s energy fields in that the Holy Basil can perform the body’s spiritual function by balancing and toning the body’s chakras. Holy Basil opens up the heart and the mind, bestowing the energy of “love and devotion.”
Wow! I didn’t know I have a pot of “medicine chest” growing in my garden! On some mornings, when I let my beagle out to the garden, I would pluck 2 Tulsi leaves to eat. Little did I know they were packing a lot of goodness in them!
Hmmm…I must figure out a way to incorporate this Holy Basil tea into my regimen of healing foods and drinks. Let me clear the “trial run” of my recently posted Roasted Burdock Root Tea first and then, I will sample the Holy Basil Tea for good health – I have a pretty good idea what I will be using the tea for!
As usual, I wish all of you “the best of health” always,