Ladies and Gentlemen, do you have a PROGESTERONE DEFICIENCY
Go to THIS WEBSITE and check out the top right hand corner of that page – fill up a questionnaire there to see if your progesterone level has declined over the years
Recently, I was gathering information for my perimenopausal issues (I wrote about it HERE) and I read up a lot on the use of bio-identical hormones, specifically the natural progesterone cream.
Wow, was I surprised to find out that natural progesterone cream can be used by men to treat prostate problems, frequent nocturnal (night) urination and poor urination flow stream. As men get older, they may
encounter such problems. I have seen ladies asking Master atan at his forum about remedies for prostate problems (his remedy was to use Nugabest Thermal Massage Bed or Chair Pad)
Men also go through a stage of hormonal change, a male version of menopause, called andropause. My middle-aged husband has been complaining of having to visit the bathroom often to pee in the middle of the night and that he often takes longer nowadays to pee than when he was younger. A check with his doctor confirmed that his prostate is alright and that it is normal for a man his age to pee more often nightly due to hormonal change at his age.
However, my husband is not getting a restful sleep at night if he has to get up so often to pee. So, when I received my Natural Progesterone Cream from the USA a few days ago, I applied a little on him (just 1/8 of a teaspoon), too, just to see if it can help him with his frequent nocturnal urination. I will let you know here how it goes for him later

Natural Progesterone Cream
Before you rush out to buy the natural progesterone cream, please do some research yourself on the benefits of the progesterone cream for men. Also, do check with your doctor to see if it is okay to use it. Make sure the cream you are getting is a USP (US Pharmacopeia) grade. USP sets the standards for purity, quality, strength and consistency and therefore, you know your product is safe to use. The USP standards are accepted worldwide in 130 countries. ”Bio-identical” means the hormone is like the natural progesterone hormone that our body can use, and therefore, will have minimal negative side effects, unlike HRT (the chemical based Hormone Replacement Therapy.)
Here is an example of how men used progesterone for prostate problems :idea: ===>
Progesterone Therapy :- Man on Natural Progesterone Cream 8 – 10 mg a day
I mentioned earlier that menopausal women are most likely to have a Estrogen Dominance condition, i.e. while those women’s estrogen levels had declined a lot come middle age, their progesterone levels were almost depleted, thus resulting in their estrogen effects being more dominant.
Estrogen Dominance can happen to men, too – this is when their testosterone levels drop more than the estrogen levels, and whilst progesterone does not drop as much as the women’s, nevertheless, the progesterone level will also become lower.
Some signs of men having Estrogen Dominance situation are ===>
- man boobs
- waistline and belly getting wider
- enlarged prostate
- erectile dysfunction
- loss of muscle tone
Here in Malaysia, I think bio-identical hormones are not really well-known yet, and are not easy to buy. So, go do your research to find your answers to help you decide if you want to try using natural progesterone cream. I got mine from this US health supplement WEBSITE (you can use a Gift Coupon Code MLL 655 for USD10 off for first time buyers there for purchases over USD40).
Caution – Make sure you don’t buy more than two number of any products there, and that your purchases should not exceed RM500 each time your order – else, the local Customs may confiscate your goods or charge you import tax respectively.
Hope you find this post on Natural Progesterone Cream useful !
With best wishes,
P.S. I have been using the natural progesterone cream for the past 3 days and the improvements I have felt in me are simply amazing (if not miraculous to me) !
1) no more bloatedness
2) no more persistent headaches and gum aches (that lasted almost 3 weeks for me and for which none of my home herbal remedies helped)
3) no more chronic stiff neck and shoulders
4) I no longer get out of bed with stiff joints – I often shuffle slowly from bed due to muscular and joint stiffness. Now, I can just bound from bed and walk swiftly to the bathroom
5) my belly bulge is lesser now – firstly due to no more stomach bloating. Secondly, the progesterone cream is easily absorbed via the skin into our body, specifically into the fatty tissues. The fats are then converted into energy.
6) continuing from point above – I have recovered my energy back, I am no longer lethargic
7) my depression and crankiness are both gone – I smiled and laughed a lot in these last 3 days. Before that, I was really broody and grumply!
8) I sleep better at night with deep, restful sleep – previously, I would wake up often and find it hard to go back to sleep
9) I no longer had to get up often and pee at night – I used to go like 4 to 5 times previously, but since I started using the progesterone cream, I only go like once or twice (and that twice is only because I drank more water before bedtime)
Oh, how I love my natural progesterone cream!
One thing to note – I have to constantly gauge how I feel to see if I need more or less progesterone cream for that day.