240 Capsules of Double Strength/630 mg Omega-3 Fatty Acids with a bottle of 60 capsules 100mg CoEnzymeQ10 FREE! Only US$29-97 or RM97-43 for both bottles! Use Gift Coupon Code MLL655 for US$10 off purchases exceeding US$40 for first time buyers!
Hi there, dear friends :D
More than a year ago, I wrote here about being “Admitted Into Hospital For Irregular Heartbeats/Arrhythmia” – my heart was beating uncontrollably and I was having difficulty breathing. A check by my family doctor revealed that I was having a ventricular fibrillation and I was admitted into the hospital for further checks. Unfortunately, my cardiologist didn’t find out anything wrong with me and in the end, I concluded that my heart was acting up as a symptom of perimenopause.
I had tried many natural remedies (Motherwort Tea, Dong Quai, Hawthorn Tincture, etc) and although they do regularise my heart somewhat, after a month or two, my heart would go back to its own irregular dance, sometimes keeping me up at night and increasing my blood pressure.
It was not until I started taking Double Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil and CoEnzymeQ10 in October last year that I noticed recently that I haven’t had any heart palpitations or arrhythmia in a long, long time. How wonderful!
I was originally taking those two health supplements for general good health and for improving my energy levels.. In the process of researching more information on their health benefits in the Internet, I found out that they are very good for cardiovascular health :idea:
Here are some interesting links with additional information on Omega-3 Fish Oil and CoEnzymeQ10 – you can also do your own investigating in the Internet for additional answers :wink: ===>
Daily Dose – Omega-3 by Dr. Oz
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Fish Oil, Alpha Linolenic Acid
61 Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The Multiple Health Benefits of CoEnzymeQ10
More Support for CoQ10′s Benefits for Heart Healths
How to look at Omega-3 Fatty Acids content in Fish Oil capsules
Omega-3 Fatty Acids are considered fatty acids that are essential for human health, but our body can’t make them. We have to get them through food like salmon, halibut, tuna, krill, some plant and nut oils, or from fish oil health supplements.
When you buy fish oil supplements, look at the list of ingredients and refer to the DHA and EPA content. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are mainly the DHA and EPA, which stand for docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid .
A typical level is 12% DHA and 18% EPA a fish oil capsule oil content. Therefore, “double strength” Omega 3 Fish Oil refers to double the typical DHA and EPA content in each capsule, i.e. usually 24% DHA and 36% EPA.
So, when you are buying Fish Oil supplements, be sure to look at the EPA/DHA content and compare prices accordingly. So far, I have been buying my Double Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements from this online store from the United States because I also get a bottle of CoEnzymeQ10 for FREE!
If I were to purchase the Omega-3 Fish Oil and CoEnzymeQ10 here in Malaysia, they will cost me at least RM300 (US$100) but I am only paying a fraction of the cost if I buy them online (if you are a first time buyer there, you can use Gift Coupon Code MLL655 to get US$10 off purchases exceeding US$40, US$5 off purchases less than US$40).
Here is a picture of other products that I had purchased from that reputable health supplement store :-

I got all these wonderful products for a total cost of only US$138, which was inclusive of DHL Courier charges of US$12 and my order took only 3 days to arrive in Malaysia from USA
With best wishes for good health,
choesf :D