Hi there, dear friends! :D
Yesterday, I was testing out blogging from my new iPhone and when I hit the “Publish” button, only the photos remained of this post – all narration was gone! LOL! So, here is the update :idea: ===>
This is a very classic, traditional Chinese sweet soup or dessert that uses the Green Mung Bean. It is not as popular as the other Chinese sweet soups (Tong Sui in Cantonese) but I do make it now and then as an easy method for countering body heatiness and for detoxification.
A few years ago, a friend taught me an effective remedy for reducing high viral fever – take a handful of green mung beans and boil in 2 cups of water for about 15 minutes. Add half a teaspoon of salt and drink when cooled. The cooling property of the bean is magnified this way.
When I told an elderly aunt about this fever reducing remedy, she said when she was a young girl around 50 years ago, women would drink lots of this salted green mung bean water to prevent pregnancies whenever they had missed their period or their menses were late.
It is such an easy dessert to make and it only takes 30 minutes maximum from preparation to serving time….so, it is a really simple natural health remedy that we actually enjoy tasting.
All you need are just 2 cups of green mung beans to be boiled with 3 to 4 litres of water in a pot over medium heat for 20 minutes. Add sugar to taste, and the Tong Sui is ready to be serve. You can just drink the liquid or eat the beans for double potency for the medicinal properties.
The pandan leaves in the picture above are optional as I had added them for their anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties, and my sweet soup above is a bit brownish because I had used brown sugar. Diabetics can leave out the sugar or use stevia in place of sugar.
What are the health benefits of consuming the Green Mung Bean Sweet Soup?
1) It is good for dispelling heatiness in our body. Symptoms of a heaty body are fever without any sore throats, headaches, gum pains, sore or dry throats, restless sleep.
2) It is effective for removing our body of toxins.
3) When taken regularly, it can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol for us.
4) People with acne problems can also take this sweet soup to clear up their facial complexion.
Some good informative links ===>
Mung Beans Can Clear Body Heat, Toxins and Acne
There you have it – the “often taken for granted” Green Mung Bean Tong Sui that actually packs a lot of medicinal value for us! A really easy, cheap, quick and effective Chinese natural health remedy!
With best wishes for good health,
choesf :D