![Magnified Diatoms]()
Magnified Diatoms
Hi there, dear friends :D
Last month, I wrote about the Amazing Diatomaceous Earth (DE) That Is Good For Almost Anything, and how my husband and I were going to test how DE is going to work on us. Well, after exactly 2 months ingesting DE, we had some some blood work done by our family doctor…and… we got the blood tests results back today!
First, I will present my husband’s results. There are a few things he did while he was on DE :-
1) he stopped taking all herbal health teas
2) he never did any exercises
3) to really test how good DE was going to affect his cholesterol, I gave him his cholesterol and triglycerides medications (Lipitor and Fenolip-S respectively) on alternate nights, instead of daily ( we withheld this information from our doctor today).
Here are the results (in mmol/L and mg/dl) ===>
May 2014 |
Nov 2014 |
May 2014 |
Nov 2014 |
Total Cholesterol |
5.2 |
4.0 |
202 |
155 |
Triglycerides |
3.57 |
3.15 |
319 |
281 |
HDL Cholesterol |
0.86 |
0.79 |
33 |
31 |
LDL Cholesterol |
2.70 |
1.76 |
105 |
68 |
Chol/HDL Ratio |
6.0 |
5.1 |
Uric Acid |
0.40 |
0.37 |
Findings :-
We were very happy that despite my husband cutting down his Lipitor and Fenolip-S medication by half the dosage by taking them on alternate nights instead of daily – his lipid profile has shown marked improvements :-
Total cholesterol dropped 1.2 mmol/L or 47 points down to 4.0 or 155 from taking DE.
Bad cholesterol (LDL) dropped almost 1 mmol/L or 37 points down to 1.76 or 68 points from taking DE.
Triglycerides also went down from 3.57 mmol/L or 38 points, to 3.15 or 281 from taking DE.
That was the good news!
The bad news? My husband’s HbA1c has gone up from 7.0 to 7.7! Sigh….that’s because he never controlled his sugar nor carbohydrates intake…his favourite night time snack? Ice cream! :roll:
![My husband's Nov 2014 Lipids Profile]()
My husband’s Nov 2014 Lipids Profile
Now…here are my results….and what I did during that two-month period on DE :-
1) I stopped all my healthy herbal teas, apple cider vinegar drinks.
2) I stopped my Lajin exercises.
3) My daily housework/exercises remained unchanged.
May 2014 |
Nov 2014 |
May 2014 |
Nov 2014 |
Total Cholesterol |
6.3 |
7.3 |
244 |
283 |
Triglycerides |
1.68 |
2.38 |
150 |
212 |
HDL Cholesterol |
1.49 |
1.44 |
58 |
56 |
LDL Cholesterol |
4.04 |
4.77 |
157 |
185 |
Chol/HDL Ratio |
4.2 |
5.1 |
Findings? Bad news overall!
My Bilirubin level has also gone up to 25 umol/L, and it should be below 21 for the normal range….while my overall cholesterol readings have worsened!
So, how come my Lipid Profile is even worse? Is it because I was relying on an assortment of healthy drinks/teas and when I got off them to take DE, the DE couldn’t do as well a job for me compared to my husband’s case?
Some background on my cholesterol situation ===> from young, I always had persistently high cholesterol. When I was in my 20’s, my Total Cholesterol was at 5.2 mmol/L. Even when I was on health teas, you can see from my previous Total Cholesterol reading above was high at 6.3 mmol/L or 244 mg/dl. It only went down to 5.5mmol/L when I took the Wood’s Ear/Black Fungus drink daily for one month!
Another possible contributing cause to my higher cholesterol readings was because I had too many bowls of Vietnamese Noodles that had a lot of pig innards, like liver, intestines, heart, kidneys, etc, during those two months while I was on DE? I was crazy enough to push my luck too far to see how DE will fare for me…..**blush** , and oh, I don’t usually eat internal organs that much to prevent my cholesterol from escalating previously! LOL!
I spoke with my Feng Shui Master, Master atan, who is also a professional healer, about my disappointing test results – he said it is my liver that is causing my cholesterol to be higher than normal all this while, despite the healthy herbal teas I took daily. He said once I heal my liver, my cholesterol should go down and be regularised. I will post here later his natural “liver and cholesterol formulae” once my bilirubin and cholesterol levels are back in order.
Nonetheless, I am very happy for my husband that through DE, he is able to reduce his medication somewhat :-
1) he is just on one blood pressure medication now, compared to two before DE.
2) Lipitor and Fenolip-S dosages have been halved now – instead of daily, he takes them on alternate nights.
For his higher blood sugar readings, the doctor has prescribed additional medication to protect his kidneys – 1/2 tablet or 30 mg of Diamicron MR, daily.
For the next few months, I will be concentrating on my own health…. on improving my cholesterol and bilirubin levels, as I am due for another test for my liver in March next year.
But we will continue to take DE daily – just a heaping 1 teaspoon each morning on an empty stomach. Although I have disappointing news, I still believe in the other goodness and benefits of DE.
In summary, there were mainly improvements for my husband’s health and he was able to reduce his cholesterol medication after taking DE…and so DE worked for my husband!
Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for myself … and in view of both my husband’s and my differing results, I cannot say that DE has or has not worked for us.
I hope you will weigh the pros and cons thoroughly first, before deciding if you want to try taking DE to improve your health and maybe get off your long term medications safely. Maybe if there is more feedback here from people who are testing out DE, we may just be able to tip the scale in DE’s favour!
Good Luck!
With best wishes,
choesf :D
Link :- On A Quest To Reduce My Husband’s Dependency On Lifetime Medication