Hi there, dear friends :D
I was very excited when Master atan posted his black garlic recipe , but I couldn’t start making some right away because I was very worried about the strong garlicky smell that will be produced for the first few days of garlic fermentation/curing.
I didn’t want the garlic smell to disturb my neighbours, and I didn’t want to have garlic smell inside my house continuously for a few days.
Last night, a light bulb went off my head and I thought of a technique to absorb the garlic smells! Yay!
With this method, those of you that stay in apartments can now make garlic without having to worry about its strong smell.
This is what I have done :-
You will need :-
- a microwave food cover that has a tiny vent on top
- a dish of baking soda (I used half a cup)
- clingfilm
- cellophane or packing tape
Method :-
After you had filled your rice cooker with garlic bulbs :-
- place a dish of baking soda on top of the rice cooker, making sure that the cooker’s air vent is not obstructed.
- Tape the bottom of the dish to the top of the rice cooker, to prevent it from sliding off, just in case.
- Place the microwave cover over the rice cooker, making sure that the cooker air vent is covered.
- Wrap clingfilm around the microwave cover, making sure that all gaps between that and the rice cooker are sealed.
- Secure clingfilm with tape.
- Tape also the tiny gap between the body of the rice cooker and the rice cooker lid.
- Turn on the rice cooker at the “Keep Warm” function.
It has now been 5 hours since I turned on the rice cooker and I have yet to smell any garlic odours. So, the baking soda must be working very well to absorb the garlic smells!
Master atan said the garlic smell should be very strong by now. Some people have even described the intensity of the garlic smell as “angry” like the Incredible Hulk! Lol!
So, with this “garlic smell absorbent technique,” I hope it will encourage you to make your own black garlic for its superfood health benefits!
Do feel free to share your experiences with making black garlic here, or to ask any questions that you may have. I will be posting updates below, so be sure to subscribe to the comments below to follow my updates.
With best wishes for good health to you,
choesf :D