Hi there, dear friends
Ah, I think I have finally recuperated well and rested sufficiently from the really hectic clean-up from my minor house renovations, decluttering, frenzy preparations and feast cooking for the Chinese New Year!
Time to get down to updating my blog …. I have a new series of health foods and drinks to share with you. These days, many people are turning to natural ways of using healing foods to improve or maintain good health, and therefore, it is good to learn really effective but yet inexpensive information for good health.
But first, I want to show you what I did to give my two 17-year old GE (General Electric brand, imported from the US) refrigerators a pretty and retro makeover!
I really love my refrigerators – one is for keeping my uncooked meats, bulk Chinese herbs…while the larger one keeps ice-cream, cooked food, snacks and drinks for my family. They have both served me really well, with minimal maintenance and repairs required. Thus far, between the two of them, I have had the repairman come over less than 10 times to fix them…and that was over a period of 17 years! :D
However, as in anything that has aged, the original white paint on the body of the refrigerators was not doing too well though – the pristine white has gone off white, some little parts were beginning to rust, others parts discoloured or stained permanently, etc …
At first, I thought of having them painted…well, it sounded like an easy task and I was willing to fork out a couple of hundred ringgit for the job….but unfortunately, I couldn’t find anyone to take on the job .
One day, I happened to come across some rolls of self-adhesive decorated paper that sold at RM30 (around USD10) each. They came in various designs and were around 2 ft wide and 20 ft long. I bought 5 rolls, not knowing how much would be required to cover the front, sides and top of my two refrigerators.
To prep my fridges’ body, I gave them a good wipe-over, while the rusted spots were sandpaper-ed away.
Then, I got my children to measure out and stick the flower motif paper onto the fridges … some precision measuring was required but the back of the paper had marked lines and boxes that made the cutting job with a pair of sharp scissors really easy.
Voila! My two refrigerators now have a beautiful retro-design look and everyone in my family thought they look great! The flower design certainly gives them a unique look from, away from the usual plain coloured finishing of refrigerators. Best is – I can now change the look of my fridges anytime ===> all I need to do is just go and get some new self-adhesive decorated paper rolls! Really easy and convenient! :cool:
By the way, last weekend I found another shop called “Kaison” in Paradigm Mall, Petaling Jaya, selling an even larger variety of self-adhesive decorated paper rolls.
So, it was like I had two new sweet and pretty looking refrigerators for the Chinese New Year! Oh, in the picture above, the natural lighting of the sun outside the window shows of the left fridge better!
With best wishes,