Dried, Roasted Burdock Root Tea
Hi there, dear friends
I was first introduced to the exceptional health benefits of the Burdock Root (Gobo in Japanese, Ngau Pong in Cantonese, New Pang 牛蒡子 in Mandarin) when I was taught to make Tateshi Kazu’s Miracle Vegetable Soup (which I had posted here in 2010) to help with my husband’s high blood pressure/cholesterol/urea acid and diabetes. Burdock root was one of the 5 ingredients in that soup.

I bought 3 burdock roots from my local market for only RM6-70 (USD2)
What got me really excited again recently about using Burdock Root as a major healing food was what I saw in a Korean health documentary show called, “Mysteries of the Human Body“. There was this Japanese doctor named Dr. Nagamo Yoshinori, a 58-year old doctor who looks 37 years old …and he showed the audience a photo of him taken 21 years ago, whereby he looked much older than now !
A recent health examination showed his bones and blood vessels to belong to someone whose age is in the 20′s ! Wow, how wonderful is that What was the secret behind his youthful looks and good health
Answer :- He has been drinking 5 to 6 cups of dried and roasted burdock root tea daily, for more than 20 years now!
My second daughter, who is 22, said the 57-year old Dr Yoshinori looked younger than her!
In that Korean health documentary, Japanese researchers were also saying that burdock root has anti-cancer and anti-tumour effects and is different from current anti-cancer agents.
So, yesterday I was busy preparing, drying and roasting burdock root to try out. Below are some pictures that I took of the process ===>
- Just brush off the dirt from the burdock root under tap water. Do not peel off the skin as the skin contains a lot of nutrients and has acted as protection of the root from fungus and toxins. Use a peeler to make really thin slices of burdock root for easier drying and roasting. Heheh, I could also watch my favourite Korean dramas while doing that
In the Korean health documentary, the burdock root is sliced thinly into rings with a knife.

Burdock Root slices ready for drying – put to dry in the sun for half a day, or air dry inside the home for 1 day.

Dry roasting burdock root over a medium flame

Dried and roasted Burdock Root. In the documentary, Dr Nagamo said to dry roast the sliced burdock roots until they start to smoke a little. Dry roasting makes the burdock root qualities more potent

Roasted Burdock Root stored in a jar . To make tea, just put 1 teaspoon into a cup and pour boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes before drinking. Or, make a large pot and drink the tea throughout the day.
I would like to quote Susun Weed from her Healing Wise book which I had bought online from her – she sums up the goodness of burdock root perfectly ===>
“…burdock root helps “provide optimum nutrition to the glandular and immune systems, liver, kidneys, blood, lungs, and nerves.” Chromium, iron, magnesium, silicon, thiamine, and inulin are among its many useful constituents. Fresh root is also high in vitamin C. Not only is it packed with nutrition; the mucilaginous fiber of the root will absorb, bind and remove poisons and toxins in our digestive tracts.
Longevity, steady energy, sexual vitality, and freedom from chronic disease and cancer are a few of the reported effects of long-term frequent use of burdock.”
This site and this site have a lot of information on burdock root and says that burdock root is thought to heal a damaged liver and protect it from further damage. Also, Japanese researchers have isolated a substance in burdock root that can help cell mutation and have benefits against breast cancer in early stages, and against colon and pancreatic malignancies.
You will find in the Internet a wealth of information on the health benefits of Burdock Root.
When I bought the burdock roots from my regular supplier, the lady boss told me that recently, one of her customers gave her some good feedback on drinking burdock root tea. Her customer had some growth in her intestines and her surgery was scheduled quite some time away. While waiting for surgery, she decided to drink a burdock root decoction every day – she boiled a burdock root in water for 1 1/2 hours and drank that daily. She did this over a few weeks until she saw her doctor again before surgery. When the doctor did a scan of her intestines again, he was shocked to find that all her intestinal growths have disappeared and he asked her what she has been taking to have her tumours gone?
She said it was the burdock root drink. Amazing, yes?
A few years ago, I have posted here before some recipes using Burdock Root ===>
Burdock Root, Carrot, Pork Slices and Tofu Soup
Easy Burdock Root Soup for Detoxification
Nutritious Burdock Root Soup for Detoxification
Tateshi Kazu’s Miracle Vegetable Soup
There you have it – the amazing, wonderful health qualities of the burdock root. I intend to make a Burdock Root Tincture once I buy some 100% proof Vodka and I will post here instructions and pictures of that. Tinctures are easier to make and take daily, and are more potent because we are talking about burdock root extracts – we take only 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon each time.
May you and your family have good health always!
With best wishes,