Hi there, dear friends
Here is wishing all mothers and grandmothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day! Ah, today is the day that you get to be QUEEN for a day!
I remember a few years’ ago, I woke up really surprised to find that my children had got up earlier to clean the whole house for me! They vacuumed and mopped and dusted…I was amazed and deeply touched!
In another year, I woke up to find that my children had cooked some pancakes for breakfast for me.
When my children got older and my eldest daughter has begun working, Mother’s Day was celebrated with a nice lunch or dinner at some restaurant and going to the movies. This year, I decided to cook something special for my family instead on Mother’s Day… for tomorrow, I will be going with my second daughter for a foot reflexology massage, a pedicure and then for a nice brunch. Ah, bliss….
Do have a wonderful day today with your family!
With best wishes,