Hi there, dear friends,
There are a few ways to de-stress and the easiest one is to do a salt bath or a salt scrub, depending on your preference and if you have a bath tub at home. How it works is mainly by removing negative energies (that we have picked up daily and accumulated) from our auras. The usual symptoms that tell us that it is time to do this bath is whenever we feel cranky, heavy headedness, “sticky” thinking, mind is slow to work, lethargy, etc.
Sea salts work the best but if none is available, then normal salt will have to do. I stock up many packets of sea salts whenever I find them in supermarkets or grocery stores, and I try to get my family to do the salt baths on every Saturday, whenever possible.
Salt Bath Method 1
Fill up about 10 litres of water in a pail – add a handful of salt into this container – stir it.Wet body with normal water – then pour this water slowly from head downwards.
Then take normal bath.
Salt Bath Method 2
If you have a bath tub at home, fill it up with water and about 3 cups of sea salt . Add some fresh flower petals and your favourite essential oils – lavendar, mint, etc…for relaxation. Soak in the bath for about 15 minutes or so, listening to your favourite music, sipping a cup of your favourite beverage (chamomile tea would be good), and a wet face towel over your eyes.
When you get out of the bath tub, and you are draining the water in the tub, please observe if you feel dizzy or slightly lightheaded as the bath water is draining away. If yes, please stop the water from draining away, wait for about five minutes or so and then continue with the draining. Sometimes, there could be too much negative energies and as they are been pulled away from the body’s auras through the water, some dizziness may be expected because the body is suddenly feeling lighter without the “heavy load.”
Salt Scrub
1) You need 1 cup of sea salt at least.
2) Standing in a shower, wet and then soap the whole body, from head to toes (hair, too). Rinse with water.
3) Starting from the crown of the head down to the soles of your feer, use salt to scrub every part of your body, including your ears and face.
4) Rinse away all the salt with water from the shower head.
After doing anyone of the above, your skin will feel fresh, tingling and soft and most importantly, you should feel lighter in spirit, happier and the world seems to be a better place to be in.
For those doing the salt baths for their first time, it is recommended that they do this twice a week for a few weeks, and after that, once a week should suffice.
Have a nice day today!
Blessings, Love and Light to you,