Hi there, dear ladies :D
It took me a really long time to finally sit down here and write about my peri-menopausal journey (warning – lengthy post here ) In my Asian/Chinese culture, we hardly discuss openly about menopause and therefore, I didn’t have a lot of expectations or information on it until recently.
My mom never talked about her menopausal experience to me. Neither did my sister, who was 20 years older and who had passed away from cancer when she was 55. I had thought menopause is merely the cessation of menstruation. Simple. Period.
After reading up a lot on the Internet and from books on menopause ( heheh, I was actually trying to find out how the other menopausal women were feeling and whether what I was going through was normal or not) , I found out that every woman’s menopausal experience is unique and different…sigh…it is like comparing your own childbirth experience with other women’s!
If you are perimenopausal and feeling every bit of its effects, you will not get any understanding from your husband or children because they can’t feel what you are going through…. the feeling is like trying to describe a roller coaster ride to some primitive cave men, and all I got was some blank stares!
However, you will get some comfort and solace in reading up experiences from similar-aged women. I often compare notes with my friends who are perimenopausal, too. I even talked to my daughter’s friends to check if their moms are perimenopausal.
I started feeling perimenopausal when I was 42 when I started getting episodes of general malaise without any reason. I was lucky to never have any PMS symptoms before but it is as if my body is making up for those years of non-PMS feelings to a full blown perimenopausal experience ===> hence, my roller-coaster picture above !
The earlier perimenopausal years were manageable still with a number of alternative remedies I had found (which I will talk about in Part 2 of this article later) … but the past few months have been very difficult for me and I was thinking that I must be at the “climactic change” phase – the rocky period that is about 2 years (more or less depending on individuals) before and after menopause (cessation of period completely).
The “climatic change” is where there is no control over the physical and mental challenges brought on by the out-of-balance hormones. Basically, every new day was totally unpredictable …. and there I was, as if seated in a never ending roller-coaster ride ===> until I found some bio-identical hormones available online to buy from this health supplement website. PHEW!
I first learned about bio-identical hormones (which are hormones that act just like the NATURAL hormones in our body) a few years ago while watching an episode of Oprah Winfrey’s show on TV and her gynaecologist, Dr. Christiane Northrup was talking about bio-identical hormones. But I had looked around for this type of hormone with difficulty here in Malaysia – there was some bio-identical hormones being sold at some obscure beauty salons at a very expensive price of a thousand plus Ringgit!
It was only just a week ago that I found out that other than the estrogen hormone being drastically reduces during menopause, the progesterone hormone is being depleted when ovulation stops. Although estrogen is already low, but when progesterone is even much lower, there is …

Estrogen Dominance occurs when progesterone declines more than esterogen
Right away, I ordered some Natural Progesterone Cream from HERE (use Gift Coupon Code MLL 655 to get USD10 off your first order exceeding USD40) and when I got my package from the DHL courier yesterday, I immediately applied the progesterone.
Wow, right away, I felt as if my world has became bright and cheery again…the darkness has lifted from my heart and my heart was almost singing. The crankiness and depression was gone! This morning, for the first time in many weeks, I woke up with a smile on my face and I was actually looking forward to the day! Amazing!
There are some websites where you can find out if you are estrogen dominant by filling out a questionnaire. I will give you that link later.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I have had negative experiences with my gynaecologists previously – one was a male and the other was a female – both never understood what I was going through and they only prescribed me some CoEnzyme Q10 for energy. When I told them that I could be perimenopausal, they did some blood works for me and said that the results were “normal” for someone at my age! Blah! :roll:
Anyway, the best way to adjust the dosage/application of the natural progesterone cream to to see how we feel after that. I will post more information that are useful on progesterone cream.
I hope this article can help some of you who have found your way here while searching for perimenopausal or menopausal information. This post serves to give some indepth explanation on menopause for my daughters, too. Like I said, different women will experience menopause separately…
I will also comment here later on the benefits of the progesterone cream.
Take care, stay positive and try to have a nice day!
With best wishes,
P.S. I haven’t smiled so much in a long time!